A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2329

Chapter 2329


Exceed Group.

It was Waylen’s gift to Alexis, and Leonel was supposed to help her manage it. But he never returned from abroad and Waylen was advancing in age.

Not only had Alexis become a lawyer, but she had also assumed control of Exceed Group.

No wonder Waylen mentioned she was always drinking.

No wonder she had yet to find a suitable partner to that day.

After fulfilling her social obligations, dawn was approaching for Alexis.

The night sky was adorned with only a smattering of stars, and the moon shone brilliantly.

The nocturnal breeze remained persistently chilly. Her assistant draped a coat over her shoulders, gently cautioning, “Miss Fowler, your father will be worried if he is aware you’re out socializing and drinking again.”

Alexis cinched her coat tightly.

She muttered softly, “His liver isn’t in great shape. I just can’t allow him to do this himself.”

By the club’s entrance, her car sat parked, but Alexis, still experiencing a headache, sought solace in the cool night air. She leaned against the wall and lit a slim cigarette, watching the ember glow between her fingers.

In their family, great wealth came with significant responsibilities.

There were tens of thousands of employees in both the Fowler Group and Exceed Group. Marcus was still young and already burdened with the Fowler Group’s affairs. Exceed Group was typically overseen by their father, but his age and health were slowly taking a toll on him.

As the eldest daughter of the family, how could she simply stand by and do nothing?

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

Moreover, Exceed Group rested squarely on her shoulders.

As for Elva, she and Marcus took delight in pampering her. Every family, after all, needed someone who led a carefree existence, right?

Alexis directed her gaze downward to the smoldering cigarette.

Her loosely curled brown-colored locks partially veiled her visage, leaving only a small, radiant area visible.

Her assistant remained at her side.

Once the cigarette had burnt down, Alexis straightened up.

“Let’s go.

Take me back to my apartment. My father will give me another one of his lectures about drinking!”

She suddenly chuckled, “I’d rather he think I’m out causing a ruckus!”

The assistant hesitated momentarily, and then spoke in a hushed tone.

